Legal Precedents

Since April 2019, the RAAF has had a legal adviser for the review of agreements, contracts and opinions on current cases. His presence has accelerated the processing of funding agreements, contracts and legal opinions that were previously submitted to Abuja, thus reducing the time needed to process the files and sign the agreements and contracts.

The processing of these contractualisation files makes it possible to validate the process and content with regard to ECOWAS procedures and regulations or those agreed  with the partners. The advice covers all formal and substantive legal issues involving any legal liability of the RAAF vis-à-vis its partners and service providers in order to avoid possible litigation or mitigate the risks, and to propose legal solutions to safeguard the interests of the RAAF.

During the year 2021, all the agreements resulting from the calls for proposals were reviewed, which led to their signature by the President of the Commission. As part of the monitoring of project activities in the field, recommendations were made following the observation of difficulties in the legal aspects of the implementation of some projects. These recommendations aim to find solutions to the difficulties noted in order to avoid possible litigation in the execution of the agreements signed between the RAAF and the project holders.

Community Court of Justice